About Us

Welcome To AVL

AVL is all about the right team of talented professional financial, technical and process specialists for innovative and successful solutions.

>Let us analyse your business processes, and come up with innovative technology solutions including automating, control and monitoring KPIs related to processes within your company.

We provide consultation and solutions that can help you overcome a range of bottlenecks and issues accross your business. They range from pilferage issues to real-time monitoring of almost any parameters of your assets such as location, status, temperature or any information desired to be tracked and optimized. We can be the architect to your security systems and secure all your assets and work-spaces.

Our Surefire Approach: Our surefire systematic approach will satisfy our clients needs and maximize their benefits.

As-is Analysis: Our as-is analysis will give you a perfect picture of your company's team architecture as such. Firstly, your manual/computerized system is studied and mapped out. The operations are plotted into processes for understanding the same i.e., your team's architecture.

Technology Feasibility: We will study various technology solutions and analyze it based on the benefits it can give to your organization and to determine their feasibility as well.

Choosing the Effective Technology: Depending on the gaps in the system, the technology solutions, that can increase efficiency, quality, & effectiveness as well as the ones that will reduce errors, costs and staff required, will be chosen.

Map Deadlines And Implementation, Project Schedules: After discussing and deliberating with client, the chosen solutions are listed and a plan of implementation is created. The execution of the project is initiated and guided by the project plan. Capacity building, training and ensuring success is our forte!

“To make systems and technology work for our clients, that is the core goal, and is never forgotted at AVL. We grow as you grow- is not just a tagline. It's about us aligning our goals with yours!”

Niranjan V

Founder & Director

What do we do?


Analysis Of Systems

We professionally map out, study and analyze systems, processes and services to analyze GAPs and give a clear picture of the as-is.

Standardize And Systemize

We have programmers and back-end specialists with excellent skills and vast experience in deploying and implementing technology to increase efficiency, accuracy and reduce costs. We also have graphics artists that have worked for renowned companies around the world.

Technology and Process Redesigning

Applying technology where there are substantial cost-benefits and increase in quality of service or output, we aim to combine technology and structuring to increase profits and competitive capabilities.

Capacity Building

Along with the key processes and operations being improved, the staff of the company need to be trained to increase efficiency and effectiveness of a company.

achievements & statistics

Our 4 years of operation

0 clients around the world

0 projects completed

0 experts adding value

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How can we help


+234 9099944118



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